Friday, October 9, 2009

JDRF Team Thornberry

The last weekend in September the Thornberry's got together as a team to walk for Juvenile Diabetes. Jim's dad started the team last year and together we were all able to participate again this year. Our team all together was able to raise $685.00 in support of diabetes research.
Way to go Team Thornberry:

Back Row: Jim, Aunt Sandy, Denise and Jim Sr. Middle Row: Kara,Syerra and Heather Front Row: Jade and Caleb

Jim, Caleb and Kara JDRF Walk Hidden Lake

The walk has a lot of activities for families and events for kids. Caleb and his cousin Jade were able to pose as a pirate and a princess.

Caleb was also able to practice his basketball shooting skills.

A view of the walk and it's festivities.

We would like to take this opportunity to THANK all our family and friends who supported our walk by donating to our team! Thank you all!!!

Flag Football

Fall is upon us and flag football has become a part of our weekends for the next several weeks. The photos and video below are from Caleb's second game. We took the video camera to his first game but when we opened it to take pictures and record the battery was dead (oh well we came prepared for week 2). Caleb is loving all the fast action and fun of flag football. Go Caleb...Go Bears...Go Steelers!!!