Sunday, January 9, 2011

Week 1 2011

Well my own personal goal this year to is blog at least once a week. Maybe on special occasions I will blog a few more times but once I think for now is a good goal. Well 2010 was a wonderful year (it had its share of ups and downs) and I cannot wait to see what 2011 brings!

We spent New Years weekend in Pennsylvania visiting our family and friends on the east coast. It was a great trip and we all had a wonderful time (even though mom and dad were both sick on New Years Day). Below are some pictures from our visit!

Me, Olivia and my grandma
Olivia and Great Grandma
Jim opening gifts
Caleb opening gifts
Grandma and Olivia
All the babies on New Years Eve
Caleb and I both started back to school this week. Caleb has already asked how many days until summer vacation! Caleb also started basketball at the boys and girls club. Games start this week so pictures and videos will be posted at a later date.

Olivia is still just rolling to one side. We started putting her in the jumperoo more this month and now she is a pro at it. She loves to jump, jump, jump! She is starting to grab at things in front of her when we are holding her. We think teeth are on there way for she puts EVERYTHING into her mouth! She is still sleeping in the bassinet but hopefully by months end mommy will have made the transition to her crib. She is taking naps in the crib now so I think that is a good start!

Well it's getting late and Monday morning will be here before we know it! Have a wonderful week!

1 comment:

  1. I love her cute little flower headband! And the picture of all of the babies is ADORABLE!!!I am going to try and blog more often too. If I don't I forget everything!
